The North Carolina General Statues (NCGS) 132-1(a) defines public record(s) as: “…all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, photographs, films, sound recordings, magnetic or other tapes, electronic data-processing records, artifacts, or other documentary material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance in connection with the transaction of public business by any agency of North Carolina government or its subdivisions.
Guil-Rand Fire Department is committed to making public records available to members of the public in a timely manner. All fire department related public records requests must come through the fire department’s administrative office. You may submit your request via the electronic form below, via email to or via US mail at:
Guil-Rand Fire Department
Attention: Public Records Request
10506 S. Main St.
Archdale, NC 27263
When making a request via email or US mail, the request should include:
For recent, single incident fire reports, members of the public may also visit Fire Station 20 located at 10506 S. Main St. Archdale, NC to obtain copies without prior written notice of the request.
Fees: In most cases, public records are easily retrievable and provided electronically via e-mail at no cost to the department or requester. Pursuant to NCGS, 132-6.2 (b), no public agency shall charge a fee for an uncertified copy of a public record that exceeds the actual cost to the public agency of making the copy. A special service charge can be applied. If the request is such as to require extensive use of information technology resources or extensive clerical or supervisory assistance, then the agency may charge, in addition to the actual cost of duplication, a special service charge, which shall be reasonable and shall be based on the actual cost incurred for such extensive use of information technology resources or the labor costs of the personnel providing the services. The special service charge will be the hourly rate of the paid employee(s) who would be conducting the work.
The department will not charge for access to data that is readily accessible without significant cost. Before any fees are incurred, the department must notify the requester of the estimated cost to respond, including a breakdown showing how those costs were determined and the requester must pay the estimated cost before the records will be retrieved and released.
Guil-Rand Fire Department has adopted this HIPPA Compliance Notice in order to recognize the requirement with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPPA”), as amended by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (“HIIBCH”) Act of 2009 (Title XIII of division A and Title IV of division b of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act “ARRA”) and the HIPPA Omnibus Final Rule (Effective Date: March 26, 2013). We acknowledge that full compliance with the HIPPA Final Rule is required by or before September 23, 2013
Guil-Rand Fire Department hereby acknowledges our duty and responsibility to protect the privacy and security of Individual Identifiable Health Information (“IIHI”) generally, and Protected Health Information (“PHI”) as defined in then HIPPA Regulations, under the regulations implementing HIPPA, other federal and state laws protecting the confidentiality of personal information, and under principle of general and professional ethics. We also acknowledge our duty and responsibility to support and facilitate the timely and unimpeded flow of heath information for lawful and appropriate purposes.
This notice governs General HIPPA Compliance for GUIL-RAND FIRE DEPARTMENT. All personnel of GUIL-RAND FIRE DEPARTMENT must comply with this notice. Demonstrated competence in the requirements of this notice is an important part of the responsibilities of every member of the department.
Officers, employees, agents, business associates, contractors, affected vendors, temporary workers and volunteers must read, understand, and comply with this notice in full and at all times.
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